► „ATTILA CSÁJI | LIGHT PATH" - the exhibition of Attila Csáji in Műcsarnok (Budapest), 7. March - 6. April 2015
The exhibition will be opened by Dr. Norbert KROÓ, academic, the president of the Hungarian programme committee
of the international Year of Light, and Ádám FARKAS Munkácsy Prize-holding sculptor, member of the MMA.
The honorary speech will be held by Ambassador Dr. Csaba ŐRY..
Date: 6pm, 6th of March 2015 (Friday)
Place: Műcsarnok (Budapest, Dózsa György út 37) www.mucsarnok.hu
►Exhibition of the International Light Workshop - in Műcsarnok (Budapest), 8. March - 14. March 2015
The exhibition will be opened by Attila CSÁJI, the president of the International Kepes Society.
Connected to the International Light Symposium, the exhibition will feature thematic works related to the International Year of Light by members of the International Kepes Society, including, among other people, Carlo Bernardini (Italy), Michael Bleyenberg (Germany), Zoltán Bohus, Bálint Bolygó (UK), László Zsolt Bordos, Éva Bortnyik and Csaba Tubák (Austria), Waltraut Cooper (Austria), Gilah Yelin Hirsch (USA), Dieter Jung (Germany), Antal Kelle, Klára Kuchta (Switzerland), Valdemár Mattis-Teutsch (Romania), Ferenc Pócsy and Sally Weber (USA) ..
Date: 6pm, 7th of March 2015 (Saturday)
Place: Műcsarnok (Budapest, Dózsa György út 37) - Mélycsarnok www.mucsarnok.hu
► ANDRÁS MENGYÁN "Magic of Light" - an exhibition in Gallery A22
Opening: 6pm (Friday), 20th March 2015
The exhibition will be opened by Norbert Kroó Dr., academic, head of the Committee of the Year of Light and László Fábián writer.
Place: Gallery A22, Budapest, Akácfa utca 22. http://www.gallerya22.com